Dana Air has partnered with NG Eagle to address the backlog of passenger refunds and assist affected travelers, according to the Nigeria Civil Aviation Authority (NCAA). The partnership comes after Dana Air’s operations were suspended in April 2024 following an economic audit, leaving many passengers with unused tickets and pending refunds for canceled flights.

The NCAA has confirmed that NG Eagle will take responsibility for airlifting passengers who hold valid Dana Air tickets, while Dana Air will oversee the processing of cash refunds. This arrangement was reached during a meeting between the NCAA, Dana Air, and NG Eagle, led by NCAA Director General, Captain Chris Najomo.

In a statement, NCAA Director of Public Affairs, Michael Achimugu, acknowledged the delays in processing refunds and assured passengers that efforts were being made to resolve the issue promptly. “We understand the inconvenience caused and are working tirelessly to process Dana Air passenger refunds efficiently,” Achimugu said.

Captain Najomo emphasized that the collaboration between Dana Air and NG Eagle is aimed at ensuring no passenger is left stranded during this transition period. “NG Eagle will now handle airlifting passengers with valid tickets, while Dana Air manages the cash refunds in an orderly manner,” he confirmed.

Passengers wishing to travel can use their Dana Air tickets on NG Eagle flights, while those seeking refunds will have their requests processed by Dana Air in line with NCAA guidelines. The NCAA is actively monitoring the situation to ensure the timely resolution of all outstanding refund issues.

“The public can rest assured that the NCAA will not relent in its efforts until all Dana Air passenger refunds are fully processed and resolved,” Najomo added.

This partnership marks a critical step towards resolving the disruptions caused by Dana Air’s suspension and ensuring that affected passengers are accommodated, either through alternative flights or financial refunds.